Co-located with SPLASH 2014
In association with ACM SIGPLAN
Portland, Oregon, USA, October 21, 2014
08:30-10:00 | Invited Talk and Technical Paper Session 1 |
Invited Talk | |
08:30–09:30 | Why Do We Know So Little About Programming Languages, and What Would Have Happened If We Had Known More?
Stefan Hanenberg (presentation, 0.7 MB) |
09:30–09:50 | Scriptable Operating Systems With Lua
Lourival Vieira Neto, Roberto Ierusalimschy, Ana Lúcia de Moura, and Marc Balmer |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee break |
10:30-12:00 | Technical Paper Session 2 |
10:30-10:50 | Abstracting Abstract Control
J. Ian Johnson and David Van Horn |
10:50-11:10 | Contracts for Domain-Specific Languages in Ruby
T. Stephen Strickland, Brianna M. Ren, and Jeffrey S. Foster |
11:10–11:30 | Sweeten Your JavaScript: Hygienic Macros for ES5
Tim Disney, Nathan Faubion, David Herman, and Cormac Flanagan |
11:30–11:50 | Abstracting Design and Evaluation of Gradual Typing for Python
Michael Vitousek, Andrew Kent, Jeremy Siek, and Jim Baker |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch break |
13:30-15:00 | Technical Paper Session 3 |
13:30–13:50 | SqueakJS–A Modern and Practical Smalltalk That Runs in Any Browser
Bert Freudenberg, Dan Ingalls, Tim Felgentreff, Tobias Pape, and Robert Hirschfeld |
13:50–14:10 | ACDC-JS: Explorative Benchmarking of JavaScript Memory Management
Martin Aigner, Thomas Hütter, Christoph Kirsch, Alexander Miller, Hannes Payer, and Mario Preishuber |
14:10–14:30 | Dynamic Page Sharing Optimization for the R Language
Helena Kotthaus, Ingo Korb, Peter Marwedel, and Michael Engel |
14:30–14:50 | Using JavaScript and WebCL for Numerical Computations: A Comparative Study of Native and Web Technologies
Faiz Khan, Vincent Foley-Bourgon, Sujay Kathrotia, Erick Lavoie, and Laurie Hendren |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee break |
15:30-16:50 | Technical Paper Session 4 |
15:30–15:50 | Dynamic Detection of Object Capability Violations Through Model Checking
Dustin Rhodes, Tim Disney, and Cormac Flanagan |
15:50–16:10 | Object Versioning to Support Recovery Needs: Using Proxies to Preserve Previous Development States in Lively
Bastian Steinert, Lauritz Thamsen, Tim Felgentreff, and Robert Hirschfeld |
16:10–16:30 | Typed Objects in JavaScript
Nicholas Matsakis, David Herman, and Dmitry Lomov |
16:30–16:50 | On the Use of Type Predicates in Object-Oriented Software: The Case of Smalltalk
Oscar Callaú, Romain Robbes, Éric Tanter, David Röthlisberger, and Alexandre Bergel |
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