Dynamic Languages Symposium 2011  OOPSLA/SPLASH 2011

Co-located with SPLASH 2011

In association with ACM SIGPLAN

Portland, Oregon, USA, October 24, 2011



08:30-08:35 Opening Remarks
08:35-09:30 Invited Talk 1
A Walk on the Dart Side
Gilad Bracha (Google, USA)
(presentation, 6.4 MB)
09:30-10:00 Research Papers 1
An Interpreter for Server-side Hop
Manuel Serrano and Bernard P. Serpette
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-12:00 Research Papers 2
The Impact of Optional Type Information on JIT Compilation of Dynamically Typed Languages
Mason Chang, Bernd Mathiske, Edwin Smith, Avik Chaudhuri, Andreas Gal, Michael Bebenita, Christian Wimmer, and Michael Franz
HappyJIT: A Tracing JIT Compiler for PHP
Andrei Homescu and Alex Suhan
Polymorphic Type Inference for Scripting Languages with Object Extensions
Tian Zhao
12:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:00 Invited Talk 2
Everything You Know (About Parallel Programming) is Wrong!: A Wild Screed About the Future
David Ungar (IBM Research, USA)
(presentation, 6.4 MB)
15:00-15:30 Research Papers 3
Bootstrapping a Self-Hosted Research Virtual Machine for JavaScript: An Experience Report
Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert, Erick Lavoie, Marc Feeley, and Bruno Dufour
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-18:00 Research Papers 4
Explicit Use-case Representation in Object-oriented Programming Languages
Robert Hirschfeld, Michael Perscheid, and Michael Haupt
Bounded-latency Regional Garbage Collection
Felix S. Klock and William D. Clinger
Places: Adding Message-passing Parallelism to Racket
Kevin Tew, James Swaine, Matthew Flatt, Robert Bruce Findler, and Peter Dinda
Static vs. Dynamic Type Systems: An Empirical Study About the Relationship Between Type Casts and Development Time
Andreas Stuchlik and Stefan Udo Hanenberg

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