Co-located with SPLASH 2011
In association with ACM SIGPLAN
Portland, Oregon, USA, October 24, 2011
A Walk on the Dart Side
Gilad Bracha (Google, USA)
Gilad Bracha is the creator of the Newspeak programming language and a software engineer at Google. Previously, he was a VP at SAP Labs, a Distinguished Engineer at Cadence, and a Computational Theologist and Distinguished Engineer at Sun. He is co-author of the Java Language Specification, and a researcher in the area of object-oriented programming languages. Prior to joining Sun, he worked on Strongtalk, the Animorphic Smalltalk System. He received his B.Sc in Mathematics and Computer Science from Ben Gurion University in Israel and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Utah.
Everything You Know (About Parallel Programming) is Wrong!: A Wild Screed About the Future
David Ungar (IBM Research, USA)
David Ungar is an out-of-the-box thinker who enjoys the challenge of building computer software systems that work like magic and fit a user's mind like a glove. He received the 2009 Dahl-Nygaard award for outstanding career contributions in the field of object-orientation, and was honored as an ACM Fellow in 2010. Three of his papers have been honored by the Association for Computing Machinery for lasting impact over ten to twenty-four years: for the design of the prototype-based Self language, dynamic optimization techniques, and the application of cartoon animation ideas to user interfaces. He enjoys a position at IBM Research, where he is taking on a new challenge: investigating how application programmers can exploit manycore systems, and testing those ideas to see if they can help scale up analytics.
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