Dynamic Languages Symposium 2010  OOPSLA/SPLASH 2010

Co-located with SPLASH 2010

In association with ACM SIGPLAN

Reno, Nevada, USA, October 18, 2010



08:30 - 08:35 Opening Remarks
08:35 - 10:00 Invited Talk
Smalltalk Virtual Machines to JavaScript Engines: Perspectives on Mainstreaming Dynamic Languages
Allen Wirfs-Brock (Microsoft)
(presentation, 7.9 MB)
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:30-12:00 Research Papers 1 - Implementation
Efficient Interpretation Using Quickening
Stefan Brunthaler
Optimizing Dynamic Dispatch with Fine-grained State Tracking
Salikh Zakirov, Shigeru Chiba, and Etsuya Shibayama
Alias Analysis for Optimization of Dynamic Languages
Michael Gorbovitski, Yanhong A. Liu, Scott Stoller, Tom Rothamel, and K. Tuncay Tekle
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:00 Research Papers 2 - Design
Factor: A Dynamic Stack-based Programming Language
Daniel Ehrenberg, Slava Pestov, and Joe Groff
Proxies: Design Principles for Robust Object-oriented Intercession APIs
Tom Van Cutsem and Mark Miller
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30-17:00 Research Papers 3 - Experience with Dynamic Features
Experiences with an Icon-like Expression Evaluation System
Laurence Tratt
Controlling Dynamic Module Composition through an Extensible Meta-Level API
Eyvind W. Axelsen, Stein Krogdahl and Birger Møller-Pedersen
Contracts for First-Class Classes
T. Stephen Strickland and Matthias Felleisen