Dynamic Languages Symposium 2015  OOPSLA/SPLASH 2015

Co-located with SPLASH 2015

In association with ACM SIGPLAN

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, October 27, 2015


It is our great pleasure to welcome you to Pittsburgh and the 11th edition of the Dynamic Language Symposium (DLS). DLS is the premier forum for researchers and practitioners to share knowledge and research on dynamic languages, their implementation, and applications. The influence of dynamic languages – from Lisp to Smalltalk to Python to Javascript – on real-world practice and research continues to grow.

This year DLS received 40 high quality submissions, of which 14 have been accepted for presentation. Research in this area is at its most active for many years, and the volume and quality of outputs reflects that.

The program is organized in four sessions: language design, formalization, implementation, and empirical studies.

We are very happy to have Eelco Visser giving an invited talk on "Declaring Your Language".

Beyond the formal program, we hope this year's DLS will continue to be a valuable forum for sharing ideas with other dynamic language researchers and practitioners from around the world!

Manuel Serrano,
DLS 2015 Program Chair
Inria Sophia-Antipolis

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